Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ok i have this theory that i can post like seven pics before one loads on to my damn deviant art...lets see if i'm right....

Just to show how terrible unorganized i am.... i have an idea for this sort of half comic half story book style book....this is part of the comic bit.....i just through sketches on to paper wherever they'll fit then move stuff around on the good copy.... and look even make random notes! 'run from safety, Octoberman' (awesome song! listen to it now!) and a bug.....
now it's all colored...i don't think this will be the final over all look of the thing....but hey, the story follows buddy there, Nash, in his little life in Vancouver, i think i captured the mood of the city well. grey...rainy.... :D
and i proved my theory...

Monday, October 1, 2007

i suck......

So I got a tablet a Photoshop and have been spending like a week toying with it.....and I suck but whatever....
I'm a huge fan of Hellboy, both the movie and the comics and when I heard the sequel was going to entail, I was filled with geeky glee! I have a thing for hulking monsters so to hear there’s going to be a troll with one eye and a robotic arm and his name is Mr Wink! I'm there! ever since I heard that I wanted to take a crack at what he might look like, also what a fairy might look like.....
I'll give you far warning...this is my attempt at fulling digital drawing and I was only started to photoshow so thery’re not all that great... i'm happy with my fairy but troll...err....not so much i still have a lot to plase feed back....i want to get better